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Dr Phil Timms


Dr Timms qualified in medicine at Guy’s Hospital Medical School on London, completing his  psychiatric training  in South London. After publishing a paper on the prevalence of psychosis in a local hostel for homeless men he helped to set up the first mental health outreach team for homeless people in the UK. He then set up a subsequent team for homeless people (START team) and worked with it for 26 years.  He edited the Royal College of Psychiatrists leaflets for the public for over 20 years and has published on homelessness, information for patients and the use of jargon in mental health. He now works as a consultant psychiatrist for the National Psychosis Unit, based in the S. London and Maudsley NHS Trust.


Contact information

National Psychosis Unit

Fitzmary 2,

Bethlem Royal Hospital

Monks Orchard Road,


Kent BR3 3BX



Tel: 0203 228 4322


Dr Phil Timms
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